Why Choose Video Live Chat for Customer Service?

Video chat is mobile and effective

Sure, you use video chat to talk to your grandma or run a meeting, but did you know the same technology can be an excellent customer service tool? Today’s most innovative companies are using video live chat customer service to improve their customer support across the board.

What is Video Live Chat?

Video live chat takes text-based live chat to the next level with real-time, face-to-face communication. There are many types of video live chat, including one-way or two-way video. Each type combines audio and visual elements to create a form of communication that feels more personal than audio or text communication alone. And all it takes is a camera and the right video chat technology to get started.

Many video live chat software options offer additional features to enhance the user experience. For example, customers might be able to video live chat right from their smartphone.

The software might also have screenshare capabilities, allowing the customer service agent to see issues the customer might be having with the company website or app. Agents might even be able to control the screen to quickly help the customer resolve the problem.

Video chat software may also integrate with other third-party solutions to further enhance the experience for the customer service agent and the customer.

When Should You Use Video Live Chat?

There are endless opportunities to capitalize on the benefits of video live chat. Banks and other financial institutions may use the technology to verify the identity of the person they’re talking to. E-commerce companies might incorporate video chat to more easily discuss issues with product quality, inventory, or shipping. Companies who offer a service can use video chat for training or courses. We have yet to explore all of the ways video live chat can improve the customer service experience!

Benefits of Video Live Chat

Now that you better understand what video live chat is, you’re probably already dreaming up many ways it can be used to boost your customer service efforts. But in case you need more inspiration, here are just a few of the ways this tool can change your customer interactions for the better.

1. Develop Stronger Connections With Customers

Phone, email, and traditional chat are great ways to have two-way communication with your customers, but a customer live video chat takes the whole process a step further. Being able to see your customers will build stronger relationships and increase customer loyalty. Customers will trust and relate to your brand more when they can see someone behind the scenes. Seeing and hearing a real person will humanize the brand and make customers more likely to purchase from you in the future, thanks to the established relationship.

2. Help Customers More Quickly

All other forms of customer service are missing one crucial component that makes the task so much easier: body language. By seeing the facial expressions and movements of your customers, you’ll be able to better interpret what they’re saying, and in turn be able to help resolve problems more quickly. Customers will feel better understood, and will be less likely to get angry when they can see the person on the other side of the conversation through visual customer support. With reduced stress and frustration, you’ll have a better chance of helping the customer in a speedy manner.

3. Get a Leg Up on the Competition

Video live chat customer service is the cutting edge of today’s technology. Not many businesses have seized the opportunities of this tool yet, so you’ll be ahead of the game if you incorporate it now. Since businesses across all industries are seeing increased competition, this is a great way to set yourself apart. You’ll earn a reputation for having revolutionary customer service, and the customers will choose you over their other options for that reason alone.

4. Reach More of Your Customer Base

The more platforms you implement into your customer service, the more customers you’ll be able to reach. Many of today’s younger customers are hesitant to pick up the phone, but eager to chat. Conversely, older populations are slower to embrace technology and comfortable with traditional customer service methods. This means you’re best off meeting customers where they’re at, offering every type of communication. Live video chat also allows you to communicate with those who have disabilities that prevent them from being able to talk on the phone or type with live chat.

5. Increase Customer Satisfaction

With quicker response times, faster resolutions, and greater emotional bonds, video live chat has the potential to increase your customer satisfaction rates over time. Video live chat is an ever-evolving technology, with customer satisfaction on the rise from 83.1% as of 2018

Customer satisfaction rates greatly influence how likely your customers are to shop with you again, and how much they’re willing to spend. Because of the quicker nature of video chat, purchases are made efficiently and shopping cart abandonment issues are reduced. So this should be the ultimate focus of your customer service efforts.

6. Boost Security

Businesses today can never be too careful about cybersecurity. And while regular live chat can result in scams and fraud, video live chat is far more secure. You’ll be able to see the customer on the other side of the screen and verify that they are who they say they are. This will reduce the likelihood of problems with hackers, credit card thieves, and more.

7. Lower Customer Service Costs

No doubt you’re always looking for ways to reduce your customer service costs, and video live chat can help you do just that. As we mentioned above, this form of customer service allows you to help your customers more quickly and effectively. And because time is money, you’ll end up spending less money on customer service. The money you save can go toward other important aspects of growing your business, like hiring talent, amping up marketing efforts, or increasing your inventory.

Tips for Implementing Video Live Chat

As with any new technology, video live chat comes with a slight learning curve. Make sure you do your research before you dive in. We’ve compiled a few things for you to consider as you get ready to add video live chat to your customer service offerings:

  • Evaluate your needs (and your budget!): Every business will have different things they want out of their video live chat, so think about your priorities before shopping around. This is also a good time to check your budget and realistically consider what you can afford.
  • Get the right equipment: Finding the right software is crucial, but you also want to make sure you invest in good equipment to go along with it. You’ll need cameras, speakers, and headphones for your agents to properly operate the video chat function.
  • Inform and train your customer service agents: Let your customer service agents know what’s coming so they have time to prepare for the changes. Give them adequate training before they jump into real-time chats with actual customers.
  • Consider the dress code: Now that your customers can see your agents, it may be time to make changes to your company’s dress code. Think about implementing a uniform, name tags, or at least requiring employees to wear solid-colored tops when on the job.
  • Test the lighting: Lighting is an important component of video live chat. Make sure the agents are well lit and the background isn’t too distracting.

Try Video Live Chat Today

Video live chat is the wave of the future for customer service. Jump on board before the competition and see how it can benefit your business. You might be surprised at how much your customers and customer service agents love it.

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