Why Good Telephone Customer Service Is Important in Business

Today’s marketing advice tends to swirl around the importance of having a social media presence or innovative customer service platforms like live chat and video chat. And while these are certainly crucial to a modern, successful business, let’s not forget the foundation of great customer service: the telephone.

Whether you’ve always had a strong phone customer service strategy or you need to bolster your efforts, check out our guide. We’ve listed 10 solid reasons why good telephone customer service is important in business.

Strong Phone Customer Service Strategy

1. Reduce Customer Churn

As any experienced business owner knows, it costs a lot more money to bring in a new customer than to retain an old one. Hence, one of the major benefits of good customer service is that it helps to reduce customer churn. By meeting the needs of your customers, they’ll be more likely to stick around for the long haul.

2. Connect with Customers on a Personal Level

Behind every telephone interaction is two people making a human connection, which is another one of the many reasons why phone calls are essential to customer service. Unlike email or live chat, phone customer service allows your customers to speak to a real person and connect with your brand in a deeper, more meaningful way.

3. Improve Your Brand’s Reputation

Need more proof of the importance of customer service? By offering customers a way to reach you by telephone, you’ll improve your brand’s reputation. You’ll have a great platform to communicate your company’s values, your mission, and your image. When customers speak with a friendly agent, they’ll think more positively of your brand. This will give you an edge against the competition and help grow your brand through word-of-mouth marketing.

4. Watch Customers Multiply

When those customers tell their friends and family about your convenient, helpful phone customer service, you’ll quickly see your customers multiply. Loyal customers are four times more likely to tell a friend about your company. Clearly, happy customers can’t help but talk about your business, making the investment in agent training and equipment well worth the effort.

5. Customers Will Spend More Money on a Reputable Brand

The statistics don’t lie: After a positive experience, consumers spend 140% more at a company than they do after a negative experience. This means that many of those customers who call and speak with a helpful, friendly agent will be back to spend more money next time around.

6. Increase Customer Lifetime Value

How much revenue can you plan on getting from any given customer? This is an important number to consider when running your business, and when you invest in quality telephone customer service, that number goes up. Happy customers will spend more money, spread the word about your company, and keep coming back for years to come.

7. Identify More Marketing Opportunities

Companies with reputable telephone customer service also enjoy greater marketing opportunities. Customers who call in to the customer service line have a lot of valuable information to provide the business, and those companies who listen closely to this feedback can use it to improve the customer experience and create a better marketing strategy.

8. Beat Out Competitors

If you’re looking to beat out the competitors in your industry, the importance of customer service and etiquette can’t be overstated. 67% of customers are willing to pay more for a great customer service experience, proving that the company with the best telephone service gets a leg up against the competition.

9. Save Money

No business can survive without sufficient cash flow, which is why the importance of quality customer service ultimately comes down to this: By investing in it, you’ll save money. How? Well, as we’ve mentioned, quality phone service will minimize customer churn, boost customer loyalty, minimize employee turnover, and so much more. With ROI Solutions, you may well be able to get quality phone service for a better price than you expected, too.

10. Provide an Omnichannel Experience

One of the ways businesses can improve telephone customer service is by creating an omnichannel experience. This means customers can reach out to the business on one platform and seamlessly continue the conversation on another platform. Phone service should be carefully integrated with social media, email, live chat, and all other customer service platforms in order for it to be truly effective.

Improve Your Telephone Customer Service Today

Why is customer service important? Because it allows you to build stronger bonds with your customers and serve them in a more effective way. When coupled with other platforms, phone customer service is still just as essential as ever.
If you’re ready to improve your telephone customer service, contact ROI Call Center Solutions. We’re eager to help with your inbound and outbound calls, appointment setting, phone surveys, and more. Get a free quote today.

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