Beyond the Tech Talk: Humanizing Customer Service in the Technology Sector

Powering up your CX by balancing technical expertise with empathy and effective communication

In today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape, products and services are advancing at breakneck speeds. But amidst the circuitry and code, there’s an element that’s sometimes overlooked yet undeniably crucial: the human touch.

At ROI CX Solutions, customer experience design is our expertise. We’ve applied our years of experience to develop a guide specific to businesses in the tech industry.

“Beyond the Tech Talk: Humanizing Customer Service in the Technology Sector” dives deep into why a genuine, empathetic customer experience (CX) is indispensable for tech brands.

As customers grow more discerning and their expectations skyrocket, it’s no longer just about the product—it’s about the experience surrounding it.

Whether you’re a budding startup or a tech titan, this guide sheds light on strategies to make your customers feel valued, heard, and prioritized. Dive in and rediscover the human side of tech.

Why CX is so important in the tech sector

Customer experience is becoming the gold standard of business success.

According to McKinsey & Company,

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Customer experience is more important than ever—yet it has never been more challenging as companies face a perfect storm of increasing call volumes, talent shortages, and rising customer expectations.

In the tech sector specifically, where products can be complex and rapidly evolving, CX is pivotal. Stellar customer service simplifies user interactions, fosters trust, and differentiates brands in a crowded market. As tech integrates deeper into daily life, a positive customer experience ensures user loyalty and sets companies apart from the competition.

Here’s why it matters.

Highly skilled labor | Icon

Customer expectations & demands are increasing

In 2023, consumers expect near-instantaneous responses, especially in the tech sector.

Today’s customers aren’t shy about their growing expectations:

expect all businesses they interact with to personalize their marketing and interactions

want immediate service when they have an issue or question

want to be contacted proactively by companies

Customers can now interact with brands globally, and the competition, and therefore expectations, are soaring.

And it’s the tech sector that has pioneered this change. The immediate nature of technology has conditioned users to anticipate:

Quick Resolutions | Icon

Lengthy wait times can frustrate customers, leading to brand switching.

Highly Personalized Interactions | Icon

With the vast amounts of data available, consumers expect businesses to know their history and preferences.

Convenient Support | Icon

Omnichannel support, be it via chat, email, phone, or social media, is now a necessity.

Human Connection | Icon

Even in the tech world, human connection matters. Users want to feel heard and understood, not just processed.

Brand perception | Icon

Brand perception is paramount

In the tech landscape, product differentiation often has slim margins, making brand perception vital. A company’s reputation doesn’t solely hinge on product quality; it’s also about the customer’s overall experience. One poor interaction can lead to negative reviews, social media backlash, or worse, losing a customer for life.

On the flip side, consistently positive experiences can elevate a brand, making it the go-to choice and sparking organic advocacy.

Check out these numbers on the importance of customer service to brand perceptions:

say customer service is a key factor in their loyalty to a brand

will make future purchases with a company they received great customer service from

could be resolved if customers got problems resolved on the first contact

Increasing customer retention rates by just 5% correlates to 25% – 95% growth in profit

Customer Care Advantages | Icon

Customer care is the competitive advantage

A 2022 study by McKinsey found that: “Customer care is now a major opportunity for businesses. Done well—through a combination of tech and human touch—it is an area where companies can drive loyalty through a more personalized customer journey while unlocking greater productivity, increased revenue, improved job satisfaction, and real-time customer insights.”

And customers are willing to put their money where their mouth is:

will pay more for products and services if they receive great customer service experiences

will switch brands after just three (or fewer) negative customer service experiences

While innovations and features are essential, they can be quickly replicated or even surpassed. What remains harder to emulate is exceptional customer care.

A tech firm that offers superior support can:

Effectively Retain Customers | Icon

Retain customers more effectively, reducing churn rates.

Increased Lifetime Customer Value | Icon

Foster loyalty, leading to increased lifetime customer value.

Word-of-Mouth Referrals | Icon

Generate word-of-mouth referrals, which often carry more weight than advertising. In essence, while the tech might draw customers in, it’s the care that keeps them.

Ready to take the next step?

How to drive customer satisfaction and retention through better CX strategies

Amidst the whirlwind of technological advancement, one constant remains: the human desire for connection, understanding, and respect. It’s clear that customer experience isn’t just a fleeting trend but a foundational pillar of the industry.

As tech businesses look to the future, prioritizing and refining their customer care approach will be the differentiator that sets successful brands apart from the rest. It’s not just about having the best tech; it’s about supporting those who use it.

Here are our top eight strategies for driving customer retention in the tech sector.

Focus On Efficiency | Icon

Understand customer needs: focus on empathy and efficiency

In today’s hyper-connected world, customers are not just seeking solutions; they are looking for companies that make them feel that their concerns are heard and matter.

According to a study by the Harvard Business Review,

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The top 10 companies in the Global Empathy Index 2015 increased in value more than twice as much as the bottom 10 and generated 50% more earnings.

Empathy requires that tech companies listen actively to their customers, appreciating their challenges and pain points. When a customer reaches out, often they’re not just looking for a fix but for someone who truly understands their situation.

“Empathy isn’t just about using the right phrases and statements,” says Beth Worthy, Forbes Business Council Member and president of GRM Transcriptions Services, Inc. “A customer care agent’s actions should show customers that their feelings, situation, and motives are understood.

On the other hand, efficiency is about swiftly and effectively addressing these concerns. Customers respect a brand more when their problems are resolved promptly, showing them that the company values their time and business.

A study by PwC explored what people value most in their customer experience. The study compared things like efficiency, friendly service, easy payment, loyalty programs, and more. Efficiency was the top in all areas:



the highest percentage of any answer



also the highest percentage

In the end, it’s all about striking the balance of empathy and efficiency. By honing in on both these aspects, tech companies can create a customer service experience that is both human-centric and solution-driven, ensuring that users feel valued and supported every step of the way.

Improve agent training | Icon

Improve agent training and collaboration

An agent’s ability to adapt, learn, and collaborate has never been more essential–especially in the rapidly evolving tech sector. As products and services advance, so do the complexities of the issues faced by customers. This means that the traditional “scripted” approach to customer service no longer suffices.

A PwC study found that:



will abandon a brand if employees are not knowledgeable



say employees understand their needs



consumers rated employees on their overall experience

Agents should be equipped not only with detailed product knowledge but also with critical thinking skills to troubleshoot unforeseen challenges. Role-playing, mock scenarios, and ongoing feedback sessions can help agents prepare for real-world interactions, allowing them to address issues more confidently and competently.

By investing in comprehensive agent training and promoting a collaborative work environment, tech companies can ensure their frontline representatives are not just knowledgeable but also agile, empathetic, and ready to tackle the multifaceted challenges of the modern tech landscape.

Customer Loyalty Programs | Icon

Adopt customer loyalty programs

Innovation might get customers in the door, but it’s often loyalty that keeps them coming back. As products become increasingly sophisticated and the market becomes saturated with options, customer retention is more critical than ever. This is where customer loyalty programs shine.

These programs provide tangible rewards and incentives for continued patronage, turning occasional users into brand ambassadors. For tech companies, a well-executed loyalty program can offer exclusive access to beta tests, discounts on upgrades, or even opportunities for customers to share their insights directly with product developers.

But it’s not just about rewards. Loyalty programs also provide a platform for direct engagement. Through these initiatives, companies can collect invaluable data on user preferences, habits, and pain points. This two-way communication channel ensures that the company remains attuned to its customer base, making necessary adjustments based on real-time feedback.

Moreover, in an industry where word-of-mouth and peer recommendations are gold, having a loyal customer base can lead to organic growth. Satisfied members of loyalty programs are more likely to share their positive experiences, vouch for products, and bring in new customers through referrals.

Let’s look at a few key stats:



spend more on brands to which they are loyal



say loyalty programs are a meaningful part of their brand relationships



are more likely to recommend brands with good loyalty programs



say loyalty programs make them more likely to continue doing business with brands

In essence, adopting customer loyalty programs in the tech sector isn’t just about rewarding repeat business. It’s a holistic strategy that fosters connection, gathers insights, and turns satisfied customers into powerful brand advocates.

Unified Customer View | Icon

Leverage your data for a unified customer view

In today’s digital age, tech companies collect a staggering amount of data from customer interactions across various touchpoints, be it their website, mobile apps, support channels, or social media. Harnessing this data effectively can transform the customer experience, and the key lies in achieving a unified customer view.

A unified customer view, sometimes referred to as a 360-degree view, means consolidating all of a customer’s data into a singular, coherent profile. This allows a company to see the entire customer journey, from the initial point of contact to post-sale interactions.

Why is this crucial in the tech sector? Firstly, it allows for seamless interactions. When a customer contacts support, agents will have a comprehensive understanding of that individual’s history, previous issues, preferences, and more. This means faster issue resolution and a personalized experience, which can greatly enhance satisfaction.

Additionally, with the rapid evolution of technology and the competitive nature of the tech sector, understanding the nuances of each customer’s journey is essential for product development and innovation. If a particular feature of your software or app receives consistent feedback, both positive or negative, that insight becomes invaluable for future iterations or updates.

Furthermore, leveraging this consolidated data can drive targeted marketing efforts. Tech companies can send out personalized offers, updates, or content based on a user’s specific preferences or behavior, making the engagement more meaningful and effective.

In essence, by leveraging data for a unified customer view, tech companies can not only refine their CX strategies but also innovate and market more effectively, always staying one step ahead of the competition.

Deliver personalized support | Icon

Deliver personalized support with automation and intelligence

Why is personalization so important? Let’s look at some numbers:

expect companies to “understand their needs and expectations”

ated when companies offer personalized experiences

in customer engagement with tailor-made products

in customer acquisition costs due to personalization

in revenue thanks to personalization

And the tech sector is perfectly positioned to drive these personalized experiences. Automation tools, like chatbots and AI-driven support systems, can handle routine queries swiftly, freeing up human agents to tackle more complex issues. But the magic truly happens when these tools are equipped with intelligence. Through machine learning and AI, they can learn from past interactions, understand customer behaviors, and even predict future needs.

Moreover, intelligent systems can be integrated with CRM platforms to access a wealth of information about the customer. So when a customer reaches out, the system can pull up their history, preferences, and more. This not only speeds up the resolution process but also ensures that the support provided is deeply personalized.

Another advantage of leveraging automation and intelligence is the capacity to analyze vast amounts of data in real time. This helps in identifying common issues, bottlenecks, and areas of improvement, allowing tech companies to refine their products and services continuously.

In the end, by delivering personalized support through automation and intelligence, tech companies ensure that their customers feel seen, understood, and valued—building lasting relationships in a sector defined by constant change.

Reduce wait time | Icon

Don’t make customers wait

In today’s digital age, patience is a diminishing commodity. For tech-savvy customers especially, waiting has become synonymous with wasted time and poor service. The mantra for the tech sector, therefore, should be clear: reduce wait times at all costs.

The immediacy of the internet has fostered an expectation for on-demand responses. A study shows that nearly

60% of customers are not willing to wait more than one minute

for a response, especially when dealing with tech issues. Every second a customer spends waiting negatively impacts their perception of your brand and diminishes their overall satisfaction.

To combat this, tech companies must invest in systems that streamline the customer service process. This includes:

Efficient IVR Systems | Icon

An Interactive Voice Response system that quickly routes customers to the right department or representative can significantly reduce hold times.

24/7 Chatbots Support | Icon

For immediate answers to frequently asked questions, chatbots can be a game-changer. They offer 24/7 support and can handle multiple queries simultaneously.

Queue Callback Options | Icon

Instead of keeping customers on hold, offer a callback when an agent becomes available. This respects their time and reduces frustration.

Staffing Adjustments | Icon

Analyzing peak call times and adjusting staff schedules can ensure that more agents are available during high-volume periods.

Self-Service Options | Icon

Implementing knowledge bases or FAQ sections allows customers to find solutions on their own without waiting. (More about this one next!)

Manage Appointment Scheduling | Icon

Prioritize self-service and digital solutions to reduce call volume

Self-service isn’t just a trend; it’s fast becoming the preferred method of resolution for tech-savvy consumers.

Modern customers, having grown up with the internet at their fingertips, prefer finding answers themselves rather than waiting in a call queue. Offering robust self-service and digital solutions not only caters to this preference but also significantly reduces call volumes.

Check out these numbers:

try to solve a problem on their own first before reaching out to a company representative

say that they see self-service as a “convenient way” to get help for their needs

use customer knowledge bases or self-service support pages if they are available and suited to their needs

attributed a decrease in call volume to improved self-service options

Here are a few of our top strategies to increase self-service and reduce call volume:

Well-Structured FAQS | Icon

A well-structured knowledge base or FAQ section empowers customers to find solutions to common issues. By providing clear and easily accessible answers, you can prevent a significant chunk of potential calls.

Interactive Tutorials and Webinars | Icon

Visual learners benefit from step-by-step guides, walkthroughs, and video tutorials. Offering these resources can assist users in troubleshooting or understanding complex tech processes.


These AI-powered tools can handle a myriad of basic queries instantly. By effectively resolving simple issues, they reduce the need for human intervention.

Community Forums | Icon

Encourage peer-to-peer support by fostering a community where customers can share experiences, solutions, and insights. Often, real-world users can offer unique perspectives and fixes that even official channels might overlook.

Feedback Portals | Icon

By allowing customers to provide direct feedback on products or services, you not only gain valuable insights for improvement but also offer a channel for customers to voice concerns without resorting to a formal call.

App-Based Solutions | Icon

Leveraging mobile apps that come with built-in support tools, like diagnostic checks or direct chat options, can quickly address user concerns without them resorting to traditional call avenues.

SMS for customer support | Icon

Partner with a contact center

Businesses are finding it challenging to handle customer service in-house effectively.

A McKinsey study found that customer care talent is increasingly scarce.

In addition:

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New hires require significant staff training, with 41 percent of surveyed leaders reporting that it takes between three and six months to train a new employee for optimal performance and a further 20 percent saying it takes more than six months.

Partnering with a specialized contact center becomes the game-changer.

Here’s why:

Expertise In Managing Customer Queries | Icon

Contact centers come with a wealth of experience in managing diverse customer queries and complaints. Their trained professionals are equipped to handle complex situations, ensuring a consistent quality of customer service.

Scale Up Business Needs | Icon

Whether it’s a product launch, seasonal spikes, or unexpected events, contact centers can scale up or down based on your needs. This flexibility ensures that customer queries never go unanswered.

Advanced Technology

With the tech sector evolving rapidly, staying up-to-date with the latest customer service technologies can be daunting. Contact centers often have cutting-edge tools and platforms, from advanced CRM systems to AI-driven chatbots, ensuring your customers experience the best of what technology has to offer.

Cost-Efficient contact center | Icon

By partnering with a contact center, tech companies can streamline costs. Instead of investing in infrastructure, training, and ongoing maintenance, businesses can enjoy top-notch customer service at a fraction of the in-house cost.

Feedback Portals | Icon

Contact centers can provide invaluable data on customer interactions, pain points, and satisfaction levels. This information is crucial for tech businesses looking to refine their products, services, and overall customer experience.

App-Based Solutions | Icon

Leveraging mobile apps that come with built-in support tools, like diagnostic checks or direct chat options, can quickly address user concerns without them resorting to traditional call avenues.

In essence, collaborating with a contact center isn’t just about outsourcing calls. It’s about enhancing the customer journey, leveraging industry best practices, and ensuring that every interaction underscores the brand’s commitment to excellence in service.

Is CX outsourcing right for you?

Consider whether some of the benefits of outsourcing CX can make a difference for your tech company:

  • 24/7 service for your customers offers increased accessibility and on-demand support that meets rising customer expectations and outperforms your competitors
  • Omnichannel support delivers streamlined experiences that make dealing with insurance convenient and easy for your customers
  • Affordable services reduce internal staff loads while providing quality services to customers and operating on reduced budgets
  • Fast, knowledgeable, and professional customer service speeds up the claims process and other processes, wowing customers with efficient and effective support
  • Access to technology and data analytics offers improved customer experiences supported by strengthened data analytics and customer insights

We’ve worked with clients across the tech sector, and they’ve seen benefits like:



improving speed of answer to just 0.48 seconds



Reducing call wait times from 45 minutes to within 20 seconds



improving the accuracy of evaluation processes to over 90%



experience a conversion rate of over 40% of qualified leads



maintaining 95% SLA throughout their partnerships

and more!

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Our platform’s rapid growth was creating challenges for our business, and we needed a solution to help us scale our services while maintaining high-quality standards. ROI CX Solutions provided us with a comprehensive training program that empowered our agents to deliver exceptional performance, ultimately helping us to connect thousands of customers with top-rated professionals worldwide. The ROI team has been instrumental in our success, and we look forward to continuing our partnership as we expand our services even further.

Curious how ROI CX Solutions can help support your goals, strengthen customer loyalty and retention, and grow your profitability? We’re here to help—contact one of our CX experts today for a free quote based on your needs and goals.

About ROI CX Solutions

ROI CX Solutions drives customer satisfaction and business success through outsourced customer service and global sourcing management. With decades of experience across our expert team, ROI CX Solutions has innovated results-driven performance and improved customer experiences for brands across a variety of industries. With flexible, customizable solutions, state-of-the-art technology, and world-class customer service representatives, we deliver results for your business—and your customers.

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