Onshore Call Center Services

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Elevate Your Customer Support with Onshore Call Center Services

Outsourcing your customer service might feel like a tough decision. How can you trust your customers with a third party? How can you be sure the quality will stay up to your standards? How can you maintain flexible ownership of the customer experience?

Onshore call center services solve all those questions for you.

An onshore call center is a third-party agency located in the US within proximity to your business operations. Onshore customer service agents are highly skilled and highly trained and share language and culture with your customers. As such, onshore call centers are the premium option for customer experience management.

At ROI CX Solutions, we have years of experience delivering brand-specific, highly successful customer service for our partners through our onshore call centers.

You’ll love the way we represent your business—and love the time and money you gain back even more.

an onshore call center representative

The Benefits of Onshore Call Center Outsourcing

If you’re skeptical of call center services, you may be wondering what makes onshore services so beneficial to business leaders. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Shared Language and Culture. Onshore customer service representatives already share language and culture with your customers. This leads to a more seamless, easy experience for your customers and statistically higher customer satisfaction.
  • More Control Over Business. With an onshore call center, you and your leadership team can visit easily in person. This proximity gives you greater control over quality and brand alignment.
  • Higher Efficiency. Offshore call centers can be inefficient because of language barriers, time zone differences, and physical distance from your center of operations. Onshore call centers remove these barriers and stay more closely aligned with your core business.
  • Better Data Security. An onshore call center is less vulnerable to data breaches and more closely under your control. The United States has strict, rigorous policies around data security, and your onshore call center will have the best in data security as well.


Our clients represent some of the most recognized customer service brands in the world – thanks to their partnership with ROI CX Solutions. We drive customer service with a brand-focused, industry-leading strategy that delivers happier customers, better retention, and better business results every time.

Our Onshore Call Center Solutions

Onshore call centers are the cream of the crop when it comes to outsourcing CX. It’s the closest thing to running CX in-house – but without the expense and the burden on your team.

ROI CX Solutions specializes in designing customized, all-in-one customer service solutions for businesses in nearly every industry. Our onshore call center services provide premium customer service and customer retention on your behalf. You don’t have to spend any money or time hiring and training agents, paying for equipment, or managing customer service on-site.

Whatever type of services you’re looking for, we can help. We’ll handle every type of customer contact, from voice to email to chat and beyond. It’s what we do best. And you can focus on what you do best.

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Inbound call center services help you scale up when you’re getting more contacts than your team can handle – or when customer service needs fluctuate through the seasons. ROI CX Solutions is equipped to step in and take all of your calls, emails, and other customer service inquiries.

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Lead Generation

Is your team chasing too many unqualified leads? Are you looking for an affordable solution that can bring in a regular pipeline of high-quality leads? We have a trained lead gen team that passes on a steady flow of qualified sales leads so you can finally develop the sales funnel you’ve dreamed of.

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Automation is a powerful tool that can streamline your processes, speed up workflows, and ensure better, faster results. Our contact enter services help do it for you – we automate CX processes for your company, including interactive voice response, a locator system, and voicemail. No more wasted time!

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We help companies handle telemarketing calls and market research, so they don’t have to manage it all in-house. Our onshore call center services can completely take over your outbound calls department. Our skilled representatives match each brand’s standards and voice – so you can relax and focus on the other aspects of your core business goals.

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Appointment Scheduling

Appointment scheduling is one of the primary areas of busy work that distract your team from more strategic goals. ROI CX Solutions manages and streamlines this simple – but time-consuming task – with onshore call center solutions. We’ll set appointments so you and your team can bring in more leads and build a successful business.

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B2B Telemarketing

Say goodbye to the frustration and cost of building an in-house telemarketing team. We have years of expertise and a proven track record in B2B telemarketing. We’ll recruit the right team for the job, staff the call center, and foster relationships with other businesses that will help you grow like never before.

Outsource Your Call Center – Without Losing Quality

By choosing onshore call center services through ROI CX Solutions, you’ll have everything you need to better serve your customers and operate your business at the same time. We have all of the solutions you need to boost your business, increase leads, and bolster your bottom line.

Contact us today.

What Is Onshore Outsourcing?

Onshore outsourcing is when your third-party outsourcer’s offices are located in the United States and often geographically near your business operations. Compared to offshore and nearshore outsourcing, onshore offers the closest alignment with your customers, which makes customer satisfaction scores go up.
Onshore outsourcing is the premium option for call center outsourcing since it allows for better communication, closer alignment, and more streamlined integration. You can trust that your customers are getting service up to your high standards.

Is Onshore Outsourcing Right for You?

Outsourcing customer service is one of the best strategies for business leaders to impact their bottom line. Outsourcing CX allows you to easily scale up or down and leverage skilled agents without investing in the training, overhead, or equipment needed to run a whole department.

With onshore outsourcing, you get the best of both worlds: An expert partner to handle the overhead, training, and customer success metrics for you, but the proximity and cultural alignment of having your own team manage your customer experience.

Learn more about ROI CX Solutions and our customizable, proven strategies for outsourcing your customer service.

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